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Romans Numerals
Roman numerals are very much in use even today for a variety of purposes, therefore it is necessary for kids to learn their values and symbols not only for school, but also for everyday life situations. Roman numeral games can make this task much easier for your child to comprehend. We have a large collection of Roman numeral games online for kids of all ages where they can learn and practice, whether it's by solving mazes or playing dominoes.
Roman numerals
Arabic | Roman | Arabic | Roman | Arabic | Roman | Arabic | Roman |
1 | I | 15 | XV | 70 | LXX | 1,000 | M |
2 | II | 16 | XVI | 80 | LXXX | 1,001 | MI |
3 | III | 17 | XVII | 90 | XC | 1,002 | MII |
4 | IV | 18 | XVIII | 100 | C | 1,003 | MIII |
5 | V | 19 | XIX | 101 | CI | 1,900 | MCM |
6 | VI | 20 | XX | 102 | CII | 2,000 | MM |
7 | VII | 21 | XXI | 200 | CC | 2,001 | MMI |
8 | VIII | 22 | XXII | 300 | CCC | 2,002 | MMII |
9 | IX | 23 | XXIII | 400 | CD | 2,100 | MMC |
10 | X | 24 | XXIV | 500 | D | 3,000 | MMM |
11 | XI | 30 | XXX | 600 | DC | 4,000 | MMMM or MV |
12 | XII | 40 | XL | 700 | DCC | 5,000 | V |
13 | XIII | 50 | L | 800 | DCCC | ||
14 | XIV | 60 | LX | 900 | CM |
One of our core beliefs is that learning can, and should, be fun. We've created fabulous Roman numeral games that your child will love to play. We have shooting games, maze games, and even a domino game to make learning about Roman numerals exciting, so kids are can learn without becoming bored. When you include great games along with Roman numeral charts, worksheets and other activities, kids develop a much better understanding of these concepts than others who may not have the benefit of quality teaching aids
Our Educational Resources
Math Games
- Addition
- Area and Perimeter
- Decimals
- Division
- Fractions
- Shapes
- Geometry
- Multiplication
- Number
- Roman Numerals
- Statistics
- Subtraction
- Time
- Units of Measurement